About me
I'm Philipp, a designer, design thinker and entrepreneur living in the small but very special country of Austria. After studying graphic design and exploring the world of art, I started working as an independent designer 5 years ago. In addition to gaining experience in graphic and visual design, I began managing a youth magazine as an artdirector. These steps have strongly shaped my specialties in marketing and editorial design. I thoroughly enjoy every minute of my work as designer and advance my skills with every opportunity! 
In addition, I was fortunate to start a master's course at the New Design University focusing on Entrepreneurship & Innovation. The knowledge of how to come up with new business ideas and models while fulfilling customers' needs complements my abilities as a designer in a perfect way. This helps me not only focus on outstanding asthetics, but also to keep an eye on the bigger picture. In the end, design without strategy is just art. 
In short, I strive for the best results possible whenever I explore and create fresh and unique designs in the course of finding solutions for my clients' challenges. 
I also enjoy spending time with my amazing friends, hiking the alps and living epic adventures with God.
I enjoy facing new challenges and connecting with great people.
So, drop me a line at: